Tuesday, January 22, 2013

10 Best Weight Loss Products

For those who struggle to lose weight, the thought of a magical pill that can effortlessly melt away unwanted t, even in the absence of diet and exercise, may seem quite appealing. Unfortunately, no such pill exists yet, and dietary changes and exercise are still necessary in order to burn t. There are some weight loss products, however, that can provide a significant edge over what diet and exercise alone can offer.
Of all the weight loss products available, few can compare in effectiveness to omega-3 supplements. Unlike their omega-6 counterparts, omega-3s create what are known as leaky cell membranes, which are more fluid and allow more energy to transfer into and out of your body. This elevation in energy transfer causes an increase in resting energy expenditure, which can significantly aid with weight loss goals. In ct, a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and performed by Alison Hill and colleagues, researchers at the University of South Australia, found that subjects who consumed a fish oil supplement and exercised regularly lost more weight than those who exercised but did not supplement with omega-3s.
Vitamin D is a very important steroid hormone that has numerous health benefits, and yet most people are deficient in it. Not only is this unvorable for your health, but a vitamin D deficiency can significantly impair t loss efforts as well, according to a study published in Diabetes Care by S Kayaniyil and colleagues, researchers at the University of Toronto.
One weight loss product that has become particularly popular over the past few years has been yohimbine. Yohimbine functions by inhibiting alpha-2-receptors, which leads to increased t mobilization from stubborn areas such as the stomach and lower back. According to a study published in Research in Sports Medicine by SM Ostojic, a researcher for the Institute of Sports Medicine, subjects who consumed yohimbine supplements lost significantly more t after three weeks than those who consumed a placebo.
When it comes to weight loss, one of the best ways to improve your diet is to eat more protein. For one thing, protein is significantly more satiating than either carbohydrates or t, which means less calories will be required in order to feel full. Additionally, protein is also significantly more difficult for your body to digest than carbohydrates or t, which means it will elevate your metabolism and increase the number of calories you burn at rest. In ct, a study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition performed by Frank Hu and Thomas Halton, researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health, found that even when total daily caloric intake was equal, subjects who consumed a greater portion of daily calories from protein had greater weight loss compared to the control group.
Like iron, the zinc found in most foods is not very bioavailable, and competes with calcium for absorption. For those who do not eat large amounts of red meat, or who consume foods high in calcium, consuming sufficient amounts of zinc can be difficult. Furthermore, zinc can actually be lost through sweat during times of stress or intense exercise, it particularly important to use a zinc supplement during weight loss programs when exercise frequency is high.
One product that may be particularly beneficial for weight loss is green tea extract. Green tea is very high in catechins that are able to significantly increase your bodys levels of the hormone norepinephrine. With increased levels of norepinephrine in the body, your metabolism will be elevated and you can naturally burn more calories while at rest. According to a study published in the American Journal of Nutrition and performed by Abdul Dulloo and colleagues, researchers at the University of Geneva, subjects who consumed a green tea supplement had significantly elevated resting energy expenditures compared to those who consumed either a caffeine pill or a placebo.
Another effective weight loss product for those struggling to lose unwanted pounds is caffeine. According to studies done by both KJ Acheson and Abdul Dulloo, subjects who consume a caffeine pill have a greater increase in resting energy expenditure than those who consume a placebo.
Another weight loss product that may be effective is resveratrol. Resveratrol is the antioxidant found in red wine that has gained widespread press coverage due to its ability to extend lifespan. Not only can resveratrol extend your life, but it also appears to be beneficial for t loss due to its antagonist effect on estrogen.
One additional popular weight loss product is hydroxycitric acid. Hydroxycitric acid is a citric acid derivative which is often found in many thermogenic t burners. Evidence put forth in Molecular Celltop 10 weightlossproducts Biochemistry by Michael Shara and fellow researchers at the Creighton University Medical Center has shown that hydroxycitric acid may have a significant effect on lipid metabolism. Furthermore, a study in Nutrition Research by Harry Preuss and colleagues found that subjects who consumed hydroxycitric acid combined with niacin-bound chromium and Gynmnema sylvestre, a popular combination in many diet supplements, had a significantly greater decrease in body weight compared to those given a placebo.
One other possible weight loss product worth considering is phosphatidylserine. Phosphatidylserine is a compound used to blunt the typical cortisol release that occurs during stressful situations, such as dieting. Cortisol is a catabolic hormone that inhibits digestion and can impair metabolism, which can negatively affect t loss results. By blunting cortisol release, phosphatidylserine may be able to contribute to t loss.
The Queen of Fats: Why Omega-3s Were Removed from the Diet and What We Can Do to Replace Them; Susan Allport; 2008
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition; Combining Fish-oil Supplements with Regular Aerobic Exercise Improves Body Composition and Cardiovascular Disease Risk ctors; AM Hill, et al.; 2007
Molecular Nutrition Food and Research; An Estimate of the Economic Burden and Premature Deaths Due to Vitamin D Deficiency in Canada; WB Grant; 2010
Diabetes Care; Association of Vitamin D with Insulin Resistance and Beta-Cell Dysfunction in Subjects at Risk for Type 2 Diabetes; S Kayaniyil, et al.; 2010
Research in Sports Medicine; Yohimbine: The Effects on Body Composition and Exercise Performance in Soccer Players; SM Ostojic; 2006
Current Opinion of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care; The significance of protein in food intake and body weight regulation; MS Westerterp-Plantenga; 2003

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