Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Infections and Insurrection

In September 1972, two founders of the Federation of Feminist Womens Health Centers, Carol Downer and Colleen Wilson were arrested for allegedly practicing medicine without a license. Their Los AngelesSelf-HelpClinic was raided by the California Department of Consumer Afirs and the Board of Medical Examiners. The Self-Help Clinic presented the local medical establishment with competition. Concerned with the potential loss of revenue for the local physicians, one doctor, three uniformed police and several plainclothes investigators confiscated four truckloads of supplies and equipment, in order to shut down operations of the women-controlled clinic. The reason for the arrest? Downer had inserted yogurt into the vagina of a womens center staff member.
The trial became known as the, "Great Yogurt Conspiracy" and was a crucial turning point in the womens health movement. Downer was found not guilty by arguing that applying yogurt as a home remedy for an ordinary yeast infection is not practicing medicine. The verdict reinforced womens control over their own bodies and established that at-home methods of self-care are, indeed, lawful.
Women have known for a long time how to recognize and treat an overgrowth of vaginal yeast, or a "yeast infection." Technically a fungus, yeast is also called "Candida" or "Monilia." It results from an upset of the vaginal Ph or an imbalance of the vaginas acid and base elements. It is not a true "infection" since there is no outside bacteria that enters the body to cause a problem; rather, the "infection" is an overgrowth of monilia naturally found in the vagina. To diagnose, a clinician takes a "wet mount" and looks at the vaginal secretions under a microscope. Yeast is easy to identify without this test, however, since it announces itself with itching (not burning, unless the area is scratched raw) and a discharge. Typically, a yeast discharge will be white, thick and lumpy (this is usually described as "cottage-cheese-like"). Yeast is not dangerous and unless its symptoms, discharge and itching, are bothersome, it is not necessary to treat.
The feminist movement fostered Consciousness Raising (CR) groups, small friendship networks of women who gathered to share their life stories and create change in their lives. Carol Downer brought a plastic speculum into her CR group and the group began to focus on self-help, vaginal andcervical self exam. Later, she and the others founded the LA Self-Help clinic to share what theyd learned with other women.
These self-help groups flourished around the country as women investigated what was, for them, new territory in womens health. They researched natural, home remedies and discovered useful tools to self-care, such as yogurt to combat yeast infections. These groups spread the knowledge to other women and together they demanded r, easier, alternative treatments to common conditions such asyeast.
"Self-helpers" used their knowledge to critically examine the medical establishment. Why were women relying on healthcare providers for things they could do themselves? Many of these women began political work, using their new knowledge to advocate for womens healthcare more generally. These activists had a decades-long battle with the Food and Drug Administration, pharmaceutical companies and medical care providers preceding the FDAs approval of yeast medications for over-the-counter (OTC) sale. For decades after the Great Yogurt Conspiracy, women were still required to make and pay for an appointment at the gynecologist, have a pelvic exam, and fill a prescription to cure this easily recognized and easily treated condition. Women had been spending millions of dollars a year for care of problems they can easily manage themselves.
Yet, when womens activism finally finally paid off with FDA approval for OTC sale of yeast creams, the cost of a one time dose ranged from $13 to $20. Further, there are even easier to use prescription methods available now, created after the standard treatment became available OTC. In order to obtain these r and easier methods, effective in just a fraction of the time the older medications take to work, women must still see a doctor. Drug companies, male-dominated healthcare institutions and federal health policy-makers control womens healthcare: what medications are available, what the standard of care is for womens health problems, what health conditions are investigated and who can treat women. Yeast treatment is just one item on a long list of issues in womens healthcare, such as HIV/AIDS, breast cancer and heart disease, that has been overlooked and mishandled by those in control. The journey yeast medications have taken shows us that evidently this control will not be easily surrendered.
The OTC medication manucturers have been advertising aggressively since the FDA approval. Today, it is as common to see TV ads for Monistat or Gyne-Lotrimin as it is for breakst cereal. These brands, as well as the three or four others in the running, provide a chemical neutralization for the buildup of vaginal yeast. They are creams inserted with an applicator, usually at bedtime, over the course of 7 days. During the treatment, a woman is supposed to avoid baths and ual intercourse.
Many women use non-medical methods for treating yeast, because the cost of over-the-counter methods is high, because they are unimpressed with OTC methods, or simply because they prefer more natural methods. Following is a partial list of at-home methods that may be helpful.
Insert unpasteurized, plain yogurt with a small spoon or spatula or vaginal cream applicator. Insert at night and wear a pad. Repeat for three to seven nights, until symptoms disappear. Douching with yogurt and water can help, too. It also helps to eat a lot of yogurt.
Katie recommends: Another option is to create a douche with water and yogurt and insert it via a squeeze bottle. Straight yogurt is painful for her.
"Paint" the vagina, cervix (youll need a speculum) and vulva (outside area including the labia or "lips" of vagina) with gentian violet. It stains so youll want to wear a pad. This usually works after one treatment.
Insert a garlic suppository. Carefully peel one clove of garlic. Wrap in gauze and insert into the vagina. Leave in for up to twelve hours. Repeat as necessary. It also helps to eat a lot of garlic.
Insert Potassium Sorbate. This is used in home beer- and can be found at wine- stores. Dip a cotton tampon into a 3% solution (15 grams of Potassium Sorbate in one pint of water) and insert into the vagina at night. Remove in the morning.
Drink or eat Acidophilus. Its available in powder or capsules in health food stores or found insomemilk and yogurt products. (Read the label; some dairy products yeast infectionshave added acidophilus.)
Douche with a vinegar/water solution. One tablespoon of vinegar to one quart of water, once a day. Especially effective when used with yogurt suppositories.
Some women are prone to yeast conditions and get them frequently. These women may want to pay attention to precipitating ctors, which can vary from person to person. Some things which commonly cause or worsen yeast overgrowth are stress, sudden diet and weather changes, birth control pills, use of the contraceptive sponge, and most commonly, a high sugar, carbohydrate, caffeine, or yeast diet. Frequent douching can increase yeast problems. Some health conditions, such as pregnancy and diabetes, can instigate an overgrowth.
Perhaps the biggest contributing ctor in the creation of yeast overgrowth, however, is the use, and overuse, of antibiotics. Although designed to kill "bad" bacteria (those that make us ill) antibiotics, to varying degrees, kill "beneficial" bacteria (those that keep us well, such as the digestive bacteria in our intestines.) Any use of antibiotics will kill off some good bacteria and prolonged and overly aggressive use of antibiotics can cause systemic problems for both men and women. When the balance of good and bad bacteria is thrown off, yeast can build up in the intestines and cause a whole host of health problems. Whenever you take antibiotics, keep in mind this is strong medication. Ask your provider: How does it work? Is there a topical antibiotic I could use instead? Sometimes, antibiotics are needed but their overuse can cause serious problems. Adding acidophilus and bifidus to your diet (in capsules) can re-balance the intestinal bacteria, and build up resistance to future overgrowths.
Women experiencing persistent vaginal yeast overgrowth who are using a cervical cap or diaphragm, need to wash and dry it well after use. Some women have found relief from tenacious conditions with the "sucking air" method of douching. In a bathtub, a woman can insert yogurt, vinegar or other remedy. Lying on her back, hands at her side and palms down, she can bring her feet back over her head. This action causes the vagina to balloon out and pulls the vinegar or yogurt all the way in to fill the vagina and get every fold of skin.
Systemic yeast is a system-wide infection/overgrowth throughout the body. It requires dramatic changes in diet and long-term attention to avoiding things that encourage yeast to grow.
Having a yeast condition can increase your susceptibility to contracting HIV, since vaginal irritation may allow easier passage of the virus into the bloodstream. For years womens health advocates worked to demonstrate that the common perception of HIV and AIDS was based on mens experiences, and it is now recognized that nearly-constant yeast overgrowth can be a marker of HIV infection in women. The immune system suppression from HIV can cause an imbalance in the vaginas chemistry, resulting in persistent yeast overgrowth.
If a woman experiences yeast that is chronic, severe, and resistant to treatment, and she and her healthcare provider have ruled out other possible causes such as systemic yeast or overuse of antibiotics, she may want to consider being tested for HIV. Because there is a precedent of discrimination against people who test for HIV (regardless of their results), the Feminist Womens Health Centers recommend anonymous testing. We offer this service at both our Renton and Yakima clinics.
The vagina is a self-cleaning organ, and as such, does not need "washing." In ct, regular douching can be harmful because it creates an upset in the normal vaginal Ph. In a healthy vagina, douching can actually cause a yeast infection!
Manucturers of douches, deodorants, scented tampons, soaps and perfumes would have us believe the vagina is dirty. In order to sell their products they must make us believe womens bodies are naturally unclean and have unpleasant odors. However, a healthy vagina has a pleasant, lightly musky odor and chemicals like these can mask changes in that odor which may signal an infection. These chemicals can also be harmful, by irritating the skin, mucous membrane, and Ph balance of the vagina. Unless it is used as a method for treating problems such as yeast overgrowth, douching is unnecessary and potentially harmful.
Written by Lynne Vickery, a health worker at Cedar River Clinic, wrote this article in the ll of 1993 at the end of her first year working in an abortion clinic. Lynne has Bachelor Degrees in Human Sexuality Education and Counseling and Women&146;s Studies from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Lynne worked at Cedar River Clinic for four years.
more resources on yeast :
For Women Only: Your Guide to Health Empowerment- book byBarbara Seamanand Gary Null - includes a long section on the history and revolutionary significance of self-help gynecology. Published in 1999.

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